For a quick look at who’s running what in the country, the state, and the town, you’ve come to the right place. The following names should give you a good idea of at least the general folk who are in charge of making sure that things get done around these parts.

Currently, matters could look better for the Republican party. On the state level, things are fairly good, with Republicans holding several state offices, though still in the minority overall. Federally, the Democrats dominate both the Executive and Legislative branches, both in the general sense nationally and as regards Connecticut specifically. We’ve got a fairly big opportunity in 2010, though, with Senator Dodd’s seat up for reelection and public opinion strongly against him.

Meet Selectman
William G. Downes IV

M. Jodi Rell (R)

Lt. Governor
Michael Fedele (R)


8th District Senator Kevin Witkos

63rd District Representative John Rigby


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