Despite the massive Left-leaning tendencies of the modern main-stream media, the Republican looking for a heads up is nothing even approaching alone when it comes to finding out what’s up. If you’d like to keep an eye on the world without having to listen to constant whining about the climate and the plight of the welfare state, might we make a few suggestions?

WTIC 1080 AM is the premiere AM news and talk radio station in CT. With shows such as Sound-Off Connecticut, The Rush Limbaugh Show, and The Clark Howard Show along with the regular news, WTIC forms a relatively safe bastion for the information hungry Conservative. Listen either on the radio or stream online.
You can also get constant updates on the news from their RSS newsfeed sent directly to your computer by clicking here.

Good old Fox News. Definitely more to the right than CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and the like, but that pretty well puts them in the middle on most issues, doesn’t it? While they are definitely in the class of “Main Stream Media” Fox News tends to offer a few more sides of the position than the other available outlets. Also, as a massive media outlet, they have access to stories and news from every corner of the world and from inside most places, so they’ll often have stories that more local sources might not have for a bit.

Rush Limbaugh
From 12 - 3 Rush hosts his nationally syndicated talk-radio show, carrying news, commentary, opinion, and good, old fashioned conservatism on radio stations nationwide. Listen to him in CT on WTIC 1080 AM.

Jim Vicevich
A self identified “Republitarian”, Vicevich is the host of Sound-Off Connecticut, a political talk show with a special focus on Connecticut, and author of the blog RadioViceOnline. Listen to him on 1080AM between 9 and 12, right before Rush.

Bill O’Reilly
Host of The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel, O’Reilly advertises himself as a source for spin-free commentary and news. With politics and life being the way they are, even basic attempts to be neutral and follow the facts put one well in the Conservative court.

Ann Coulter
Conservative commentator, columnist, and author Coulter’s delivery tends to invite angry responses, due to her blunt and sarcastic method, but her analysis is spot on. Besides having written several best-selling books, she is an active blogger, and conveniently a resident of CT.

Charles Krauthammer
Krauthammer is a syndicated columnist in over 200 media outlets, and a regular guest on Fox News’ Special Report. Krauthammer is considered one of the most influential men in political circles, and has a special interest in foreign policy issues.

Michelle Malkin
Besides her columns in numerous papers across the country, Malkin is also the founder of the overtly Conservative blog HotAir, a “full-service conservative Internet broadcast network”, designed to be an ideological alternative to the numerous liberal counterparts that already exist.

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